Monday 18 January 2016


Salam 2016!!!!
Lama tinggalkan blog ni, terabai sekejap sebab mood blogging hilang sekejap.
Entry kali ni published dekat office,
Hekkhekehekeh, tengah free waktu ni, 05:18am.

Tadi terlelap sekejap masa tengah kerja,
Dalam terlelap tu, sempat jugak termimpi.
Tapi, bukan mimpi indah.
Tercengang sekejap lepas terjaga tu.

Dalam mimpi tu,
Nampak sorang lelaki yang diikat tangan dan kaki,
Dibakar hidup-hidup,
Dalam mimpi tu,
Tengok depan mata lelaki tu kena bakar,
Sampaiiiiiii rentung,
Dari keadaan terbaring, badan jadi mengerekot.
Dari kulit cerah, sikit-sikit tukar jadi jadi hitam,
Dari hitam terus jadi rentung.
Mulut ternganga sebab menjerit kepanasan.
Panas yang melampau dalam api yang merah menyala.

Dalam mimpi tu,
Badan lelaki tu dah mengerekot dan mengeras,
Tapi suara jeritan berterusan,  sangat nyaring dan kuat,
Dapat rasakan betapa terseksanya orang tu.

Terus terjaga!!!
Terus istighfar!!!
Terus terbayang neraka.
Tak sanggup, tak termampu rasanya nak menahan panas api neraka tu.
Teringat jeritan dalam mimpi tu,
Seksanya dia!!
Itu baru terbakar api dunia.

Semoga kita semua dijauhkan seksaan neraka.

Monday 30 November 2015

Misi kembara Si Citam

Segmen GA dari diri sendiri dah tamat.
Sekarang kita punya turn pulak join segmen orang.

Click banner for more info!!!

GOOD LUCK to me and you.

GIVEAWAY: 100 followers celebration!


Tarikh penyertaan dah pun tamat. Total 52 blogger join GiveAway ni!!!
Terima kasih di atas sambutan yang diberikan. Terharu!!!
Sekarang, tibalah masanya nak announced,

TIGA orang yang bertuah!!!

1. Cik Yaanie

2. Qistina Zahari

3. Aqilah Azmi

Jangan lupa check email ye!!


Ehe..100 je kot!
 Memang tak banyak.
Without all your support,
I dont think this blog will survived.
Dan kerana kesudian korang menjadi follower, 
It has inspired me to keep on writing this blog.

Sebagai tanda TERIMA KASIH kepada kalian semua,
terimalah penghargaan kecil dari diri ini 
TOP UP bernilai RM10 kepada TIGA orang yang bertuah
yang akan dipilih melalui
Tapi, kenalah memenuhi segala syarat penyertaan yang ditetapkan.

~ Follow blog:
~ Create satu entry dengan title GIVEAWAY: 100 followers celebration by Zanna Ghazali.
~Copy banner dan linkkan semula entry ni.
~ Tinggalkan link entry dan email korang di ruangan komen ye.
~The lucky one will be contacted via email.

*Jika kurang dari 15 penyertaan, secara automatik giveaway ini terbatal.*

Tarikh penyertaan:

19 - 29 NOVEMBER 15

Monday 16 November 2015

Perempuan & Make Up

Aku nak keluar, tapi sementara menunggu orang ambik,
Aku sempat create entry ni dan menaip dengan kelajuan kuasa kuda.
Sebabnya masa aku berdiri depan cermin tadi,
Nak calit bedak kat muka, nak calit eyeliner kat mata, nak calit lipstick sikit kat bibir,
Otak aku sempat berfikir......

"Kenapa lelaki kalau tak make up muka tak nampak pucat pun?"
"Lelaki kalau tak pakai eyeliner, mata tak nampak bengkak pun?"
"Kalau muka tak handsome pun tapi takde make up, still ok je"

Aku pernah cuba tak calit satu apa pun kat muka bila nak keluar,
tapi bila terpandang cermin, aku tak boleh terima kenyataan tengok muka sendiri.
Aku bukanlah orang yang suka bersolek sangat, cukup dengan eyeliner and lipstick Nude color.
Tapi aku tak suka sikat rambut!
Tapi bila dah calit macam-macam, rambut tak sikat pun tetap muka nampak failed je.
Lelaki, gosok-gosok sana sikit, sini sikit,
Macam tu jugak!!

Member dah sampai, kena publish cepat-cepat!


Sunday 15 November 2015

It's all about PARIS ATTACKS!

For this entry, I'm going to fully use my broken English to talk about...PARIS ATTACKS!..
First of all, my condolences goes to all the victims who have died in the attacks last Friday night. It is really sad and extremely devastating. It was something that we never expect or imagined to happen. in this era, we will always be served with full of surprises and please be pleasure with all the unexpected. NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE! Never come across in my mind to talk about all this such thing, but there's something has pulled my interest to open this entry.

Terrorism - MUSLIM
Friday the 13th - COINCIDENCE?
Syrian Passport - THE REFUGEE?

It really has brought to my attention and my concerns as I feels only wise people could think this not a coincidence but more likely a well-planned 'occasion'.
I'm pretty like the incident  date, as it falls on 13-Nov-15 and it's Friday!!! and it's a Friday the 13th!! And because of my curiousness, so I just Google and found something interesting; 

Friday the 13th, also known as Black Friday[citation needed], is considered an unlucky day in Western superstition. It occurs when the 13th day of the month in the Gregorian calendar falls on a Friday. 

Sources from Wikipedia.

Black Friday? Unlucky day? Why this date? Maybe it will be a date that everyone could easily remember as an unforgettable and horrific tragedy in the history of Friday the 13th. So when you think about the date, your mind will automatically rewinds back to the tragedy and your feelings will automatically change to grudge, hatred, anger and etc and the blame straight away goes to Muslim. I feel sorry to all Muslim around the world as were being hate, accused and discriminated by many parties for all the things that Muslim never done. Why the World could easily believe that all these tragedy or terrorism is cause by Muslim? Because you were fed with lies from Media and never exposed to the reality or the truth. I am truly hurts to see all over the internet and articles that people of the world started to believe that it caused by a Muslim and to see to protesters using a word 'EXPEL THE MUSLIMS'.

My pray is always with you. 
I wonder if the rules to become a Terrorist, you must be a moron person. As in many articles said the police has found the Terrorist passport and they believes that the attacker was from one of the Syrian Refugees. What on earth!!! I wonder if it's a last minute planned to do this attack, and is it the passport was intentionally brought during the attack and intentionally wants the world to know who's the person behind the attack. I am soooo curious!

I bet everyone knows the never ending conflicts in Syria right now that forced the Syrian people to leave their own land and had to label themselves as Refugees. And I bet that everyone knows to that many countries has offered and welcome all the refugees to their country including my own country, Malaysia. Based on my logic thinking, this 'occasion' is just to bring more hatred to Islam and Muslim. Also, to stop many countries from accepting the refugees, so that all of them could be killed and die in their own land, die for being innocent. This 'occasion' is just to bring fear, trauma for NO REASON to the world! and to make sure there's no rising in Islam.

We are towards to the end of the world.

  • Lies will be considered truth.
  • There will be murders on the slightest of disagreements.
  • Liars will be thought as honest.

Short, but I think its enough to express my thinking and sorry for my 'awesome' English.
As long what is written here could be understand and reach to you, that's enough. Haahahaha!
Till then!


Tuesday 10 November 2015

Yang indah itu selalu bersifat sementara.

Nak memulakan ayat pun dah tak tahu macam mana,
Sambil tengok Boboiboy, sambil tu jari jemari ni gigih menaip satu persatu perkataan untuk entry kali ni. Haihhh, susah betul nak cari kekuatan nak update blog. Sebabnya bila ada masa lapang, banyak pulak benda aku nak buat especially pergi merayap sana sini. Baru je 2 hari lepas RM1000 melayang repair kereta. Sob sob sob!!! First time kereta breakdown kat tengah jalan, menggelabah jugak kejap sebab sorang2 plus dah almost midnight pulak tu. Nasib baik masa breakdown, kereta tengah berhenti kat traffic light, tapi bila lampu dah tukar hijau, mulalah kereta2 belakang pulak yang menggelabah hon hon sana sini walaupun dah turn on hazard light. Plan nak melepak dengan cousin pun tukar jadi misi membantu, meneman sampai semua settle. Thanks to my Abah yang sanggup datang dari Putrajaya ke Bangsar tengah malam buta nak bantu anak dia. He is my Superhero!! Ada jugak terdetik kejap dalam hati, kalau ada boyfriend, tak payah aku susahkan Abah aku, kesian kat dia. Hmmmm..

Sambung cerita,
Lepas family dia balik ke Dubai, takde apa yang berubah pun. Sentap tu tetap ada tapi harapan tu tak pernah hilang. Still hoping for a good thing to happen, plus cara dia sendiri pun buat orang mengharap tapi tu semua aku tak pernah suarakan, simpan sendiri2 je. Bila kawan-kawan aku tanya dia bila nak kahwin, dengan confident dan yakin dia jawab, "Inshallah, June next year" which is he mean 2014. If you guys were in my shoes, apa korang rasa, mesti macam teruja kan bila a person that you really want to live with saying that. Tapi entahlah, masa dia jawab macam tu dekat kawan-kawan aku, aku rasa semacam. Sebab bila dengan aku, dia bukan nak cakap sangat about all the marriage thingy but suddenly with my friends selamba badak je cakap macam tu. But I did tegur dia, aku tanya dia kenapa pergi cakap dengan semua orang just like it was very sure while u actually not. If benda tu tak jadi nanti siapa yang malu and im the one who have to answer it to everyone. Women always have a strong sense untuk benda2 yang tak best ni. Yeah, for no reason aku blast dia macam tu cause for no reason I have strong sense that it will not happen as he mentioned. Dia tak cakap banyak bila aku cakap macam tu, he just only agree with that and apology.

His career,
He'd really enjoy working as Public Relation Officer in his Embassy. He loved his job so much, so committed, sebab memang tu impian dia and his life mission and vision is to be like his father, to be a Consular in Embassy. That's why dia kuat semangat nak sambung PhD, plus so far dia je yang dalam family ada highest education, and agak menjadi kesayangan dan kebanggaan ayah dia. But kalau life tak diuji, itu bukan dipanggil life kan? One day, Ambassador dekat Embassy dia kena transfer to somewhere else so they bringing new Ambassador to replace. But things didnt go well, dia tak baik dengan diplomat baru ni, it was not from him but it from the new diplomat. Normal la kan, dalam mana2 company, private or government sector mesti ada main politics, so thats what that new diplomat tu buat. He tried to bring all his people into that embassy and trying to kicking out semua orang2 lama especially yang baik dengan diplomat lama tu, and he one of the victim. Satu persatu orang kena, setiap hari diplomat tu cari salah orang, tapi si dia ni still dapat bertahan dekat embassy tu and fight for the right. Kerja macam biasa, tapi setiap hari dia mengadu stress sebab being pushed this and that, semua kerja pun ada je yang tak kena, itu silap ini silap. But he so determined, so he fight whatever he can. But day by day things are getting worst, dia punya pressure bertambah2 and bergelora dia punya marah dekat Diplomat baru tu. Until one day, Diplomat tu cakap dia dicutikan for a certain period until the investigation done. This part aku tak faham sangat apa masalah sebenar, sebab dia pun tak boleh nak reveal sangat sebab Private & Confidential, embassy punya cerita. Mula-mula kata dicutikan, tapi yang aku tengok macam kena suspended sebab dia tak boleh pergi kerja pun and gaji dia pun kena hold. Sebab dari minggu, jadi berbulan-bulan dia tak pergi kerja, walaupun macam tu dia tetap fight by bringing this thing to his father, then his father bring this issue to more higher authority.

Isi masa lapang,
Sementara menunggu result from Embassy, dia pun mengorak langkah to start his study for PhD, pergi jumpa supervisor dia to discuss pasal tajuk research and so on. One thing, even though dia stress yang sangat teruk, tapi dia still did his best to make me happy. So, most of his day dia banyak pergi buat consultation dengan supervisor dia, kuat semangat dia walaupun dilanda masalah. Once he settle his session dengan supervisor dia, dia akan chat dengan aku mintak pendapat aku untuk topic for his research. Setiap hari aku pun akan gigih memerah otak macam aku yang PhD tu. Ngeh ngeh ngeh!! Interesting, tapi untuk diri sambung study tu, minta maaf sangatttt cause i just cant. Aku dah malas, nak faham segala theory and all that, sangat dah tak minat. Balik cerita dia, setiap hari kitorang akan bincang and find the best topic for his research and finally i got an idea, aku suruh dia buat research about perbezaan in human resource between his country and Malaysia, something like that. Dia terus suka, refer to his Supervisor and the topic for his research ON. Aku rasa, supposed nanti PhD tu belong to me, haahaha!!! Topic accepted, then proceed to write a proposal pulak. Pun sama mintak tolong to give idea on giving an introduction and an explanation for proposal, sekali  jadi spelling and grammar checker untuk dia. So setiap hari, once dia update proposal dia, dia akan email kat aku to check macam aku pulak supervisor dia. After all the hard time, proposal submitted and accepted. Yeay!

Embassy story,
Aku rasa benda tu macam never ending story, aku nak tanya dia banyak kali pasal update terbaru pun tak berani sangat. Kalau jumpa dia pun, tengok muka pun serabut je, daripada sebelum tu tak simpan jambang, ada pulak jambang sikit, new style katanya. Just one thing this dia bagitahu, ayah dia dah pesan, dia kena standby from now sebab bila2 masa je dia kena balik Dubai untuk settle benda ni semua. Dengar je macam tu, pahamla aku kan. Againnnnn, kena berjauhan lagi just tak tahu bila je. Kena selalu standby and tunggu call je. March 2014, aku and the geng plan nak pergi Pulau Mabul on October sebab Airasia ada buat promo tiket. Aku ajak dia, tapi he was like 50-50 sebab macam dia cakap la, anytime je dia kena balik Dubai, tapi memandangkan tiket murah je RM100 return so aku belikan jugak untuk dia, jadi tak jadi itu kemudian cerita. Setiap hari aku resah gelisah bila yang dia kena balik sana, setiap hari jugak la aku tanya dia either ayah dia dah call ke belum. Huhuhu!! Dia pun dah makin down sebab tak nampak solution and tak tahu apa future dia dekat Embassy tu. So again, lepas buat plan pergi Pulau Mabul, aku and the geng plan suka2 nak pergi main ATV dekat Kemensah, same thing, aku ajak dia jugak and same thing dia tak berani nak promise to join sebab takut anything. Dia suruh aku proceed with all the deposit, so kalau takde apa2, dia akan join on the day nak pergi tu. At the beginning tu aku macam emo jugak sebab aku fikir aku just nak have fun before dia balik Dubai,but then fahamla aku kalau dia janji and last minute cancel lagi tak best.

13 April 2014,
Kitorang pergi main ATV and he joined!!! Happynya aku masa tu, entahlah, kalau boleh semua benda yang aku buat, aku nak dia ada. Tapi, yang ATV ni aku ajak dia sebab aku nak tolong dia release stress daripada duduk rumah sakit hati tunggu result and another thing nak have fun sebelum dia balik Dubai. Tu lah, dia tak pernah kecewakan aku and apa saje yang wish dia selalu akan cuba tunaikan. Dalam enjoy2 dia tu still nampak muka serabut dia, kesian dia tapi aku pulak dalam enjoy2 aku sedih pulak nanti dia nak kena balik Dubai.

14 April 2015,
Sehari lepas main ATV, tengahari tu dia call bagitahu ayah dia dah beli tiket flight on that day departure midnight. Terkedu aku dengar, aku nak hantar dia pergi airport dia tak bagi sebab dia tak nak aku balik malam2 buta sorang2 nanti. Nothing else to say, sedih sangat tapi relakan je. Just aku mintak dengan dia, update aku bila dah sampai airport, sebelum depart and masa dah sampai Dubai nanti and he really kept his promises.

15 April 2015,
"Sayang, i'm arrived in Dubai!"

~Then, begin another new life chapter that I never expect~

Monday 2 November 2015

SURVEY: Blogwalking + BlogList with Zanna Ghazali

Hello! Hello!!
Bersesuaian dengan tajuk, ewahhhh!! Saya berniat nak memeriahkan lagi blog saya dengan kehadiran anda dan blog anda dengan kehadiran saya. Hahaha!!!

Saya perlukan sokongan anda semua dalam merealisasikan segmen ini dengan meninggalkan comment seperti;

Saya mahu!
I want!

Atau apa-apa saja
Saya menunggu jawapan anda, kalau tiada jawapan maka tiadalah segmen ini.
This survey expired on:

7 November 15